Member Benefits Include…
- Weekly online meetup/masterminds, so we have plenty of time to get to know/help either other (open to everyone).
- Recorded meetings. If you miss a meeting/mastermind… they are all recorded, and you can watch them anytime. Or listen in your car…
- Ability to leverage our members. You can easily create a buyers list and sell your deals to other members! We do deals with people we know and like!
- Access to our our membership site which will quickly surpass the value of the meetings. The membership site includes REAL DEAL training videos for things that are working in this market today, and how you can apply them now.
- Preferred access to our private Facebook group that is a great place to find and connect with other Seattle investors.
- And above and beyond all of that… our meetings are FUN, and will get you to “know and like” more people that you WILL do deals with.