The Best Way to Find Deals Starts with Leads
Here’s how we find leads
* Wholesalers
* Direct mail
* Realtors
* Door knocking
* Google adwords
* Google search
* Networking
What’s Julie’s dirty little secret? 🙂 She’s been watching 50 Shade of Gray…
Tip: you need to have lines in every stream.
Traditional ways of finding deals
Direct mail
Internet marketing (Google, Facebook, etc.)
Door knocking
Tip: You must be GREAT at your follow up, so you don’t lose deals.
Plug for the Seattle Investors Club!
This podcast has been inspired by the newbies, and Julie is always asked if people can get on our list. Her dirty little secret is… unless you have big teams with systems in place. Most wholesalers sell their deals to repeat buyers. They can get their deals sold in a text or two, and their buyers list is only 3+ buyers.
Sometimes it’s just easier to only have a few good buyer on your list. You can rely and trust them.
When you have a few good buyers, your life becomes easy!
Tip: You shouldn’t be afraid of working hard, or get out of the business!
Once you have a few good buyers, you just need to focus on getting your marketing consistent. And follow up. And rapport building.
Tip: Don’t worry about having a big buyers list. You just don’t need it.
The conversion rate on direct mail is very low, so you need to be very good at follow up. Most of our deals take 4+ months, and up to years of following up with sellers.
Networking to get deals
You can meet people to partner with, and that can lend you money. You should partner with other people on your first 3-4 deals. Simply so you can learn.
Tip: You are losing money by doing deals by yourself as a newbie.
The best leads are hidden in the people that see everyday in your everyday life. Whenever you have the chance to tell someone what you’ve been up to… you just tell them that you’re super stoked about your real estate investing business, and that you’re looking for properties to buy.
If you haven’t bought any houses yet, you can use a partner as your crutch. Tell your friends that you’ve partnered with an experienced real estate investor that has taken you under their wing, and are looking for real estate deals to buy.
Tip: You will KILL IT if you get your real estate license!!!
Julie will be your partner if you need one…, or
Open your mouth at every chance you get! WoooHoooooo! I’m doing great! I’m buying houses!!! And am pumped!!!
Tip: Every time we get a no from someone we get excited because that brings us one no closer to a yes!
We have a ton of confidence and enthusiasm! You should too!
Just start having conversations, and they will get easier and easier. Fake it until you make it.
You don’t need to be watching videos. Get out and talk to people. Who cares if you screw up. Just hit reset, and try again.
You never know who will bring you a deal or a listing. You never know if you’re going to get a $1.8 million dollar house.
Neighbors – Co-workers – Starbucks
Sometimes random people at Starbucks will ask you to list their houses. Real story from Julie. You just never know when a deal will pop up right under you nose!
Those people will also turn into your advocates for your real estate business, and they will start to bring you business.
Today! May 25th 2017 Julie has a closing because she opened her mouth on the playground, and got a million dollar plus listing! Just open your mouth!
Come up with a script that you can use when people ask you how you’re doing. Then you can elaborate on the script as things change and start getting busier for you. Be enthusiastic!
Tip: You shouldn’t tell people that you will pay them for the referral.
30 day challenge:
How many people did you come across today, and how many did you mention your business to?
How many leads can you generate by opening your mouth?!
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