With consistent action Seattle Investors Club has had a lot of success with connecting investors through providing as much value as we humanly can. Evolving from:
**A small knights of the roundtable fashion mastermind –> A consistent meetup –> A charge at the door –> Yearly memberships —> To a website with a wealth of valuable information! —> to a private Facebook group that glues the group together. The Facebook page provides tons of value**
The goal here is to help the people who would like to create and grow a real estate club or Meetup of their own, by sharing the things we did right, and the things we could had done better.
How many years has Seattle investors club been around?
Joe: On Seattle Investors Club’s humble beginnings 5 years ago as a small group of people, at the round table wanting to get together for a mastermind (a group of people with a similar desire for improvement, and sharing ideas). Out of the desire to continue sharing information we decided on a consistent formal event. Eventually the numbers grew and the round table room seemed to become smaller!
Julie speaks of wine induced amnesia :p.
Julie: Evolving through the Seattle investors club, things that where learned, being yourself, and avoiding white pants!
Joe & Julie on the slogan “We do business with people we know and like”
Julie: strong emphasis on knowing who your’re doing business with. Every deal that’s blown up on us was from doing deals with people we didn’t know.
– Is building relationships a key here?
Joe: On the organic growth of the SIC meetup. Going from 10 people in a group, to 50 people! Focusing on creating an environment of growth, and sharing as much value as you can through local speakers, and fun networking activities is what will push your meetup to the next level.
Massive victory for the Seattle Investors Club was having Claud Diamond coming and sharing with the SIC. Look for opportunities to bring in quality speakers to your meetup.
A big thank you to Claud Diamond!!
Joe: Anything you can do to add value, and have fun with it. Go with it!
Joe: Evolving a Real Estate Club Requires help! Ask for volunteers. Being able to connect and relate to people who walked in to the club, are wonderful opportunities to add to your team.
Julie: Explains that SIC is not the largest, but a highly respected club. Why is this important to you? Always be looking for ways to provide real value that people can use. Truly mining for the very best that you can give. Finding not only the things that make people feel good, but providing the nuts & bolts that people need to create success in this business.
What type of Partnership should you be looking for in your Real Estate venture?
Julie: Look for the type of person that compliments your skills. Look for synergy. I.E. Julie is the real estate professional & Joe is the marketing professional. You don’t want 2 QB’s! You need a running back, Kicker, etc. Think of building a team.
Joe: Being able to connect and relate to people who walked in to the club, are wonderful opportunities to add to your team.
“Its the people that make the difference” – Joe Bauer.
Joe: Pay attention to your people. Pay attention to how you treat your vendors and making them unique to the club, and as a pinnacle part of the club. research you vendors and choose intelligently, Instead of just choosing anyone, or adding multiple vendors in competition…ew.
Pro tip: Figure out ways to keep, track, and organize your club as fast as you can to be able to connect and interact with your clubs individuals more effectively. SIC uses Infusionsoft. Finding ways to take different forms of payment i.e. Square, Paypal. Using e-mail marketing systems that ping you when people are new, RSVP’ing, etc.
**Real Estate Clubs may run in to payment processing problems because you are in a high risk business due to “Invest” & “Real Estate” in the name. So you need to find a high risk payment processing system, or other possible solution because payment processors like to throw curve balls.**
Julie: The above subject really pisses Julie off!!
Joe: **High levels of communication is important. Respond and interact with your members**
As you get larger you face new problems. Small tasks eats up tons of time. Pay attention to these tasks. You probably cant do this at this at the level of quality most of us would like….Alone.
Find good people!
Julie: As your business grows you become a facilitator for a lot of people. In Real Estate there are people all across the spectrum wether its the new person learning how to complete there first deal, traditional brokers, or experienced investors looking to take on a new project. Eventually large events become a necessity. SIC has been a natural progression that focuses on helping the community. Not all the profits that come, let that be secondary. Relationships primary.
“Independence with out isolation.”
“You can work for yourself, but not by yourself”
Julie: The route of building a club is not the easy route. It takes a lot of work, and a lot of time. But when you hit a certain point you eventually hit a critical mass that begins to build and offer a diverse amount of opportunities.
“The world is your oyster, there is no one more special than your self. You know what you can do If you have the wherewithal, the right partnerships, and the right attitude. do it out of a love for people, and your community. Thats how your going to win.” – Julie
Have a magnificent weekend & kill it!
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